Finding Your Tribe

Last fall, after two years of an intensive search, my son found his tribe at High Point University. As a first-time college parent, you worry if your child has found the right place to set him on the path toward a career where they will be happy. You can read more about his journey in his most recent LinkedIn post.

But what do you do if you are in a career that isn’t fulfilling? Perhaps you really dislike what you are doing now and can’t wait for that next opportunity. Or worse, perhaps you are caught in the doldrums, continuously spinning in an eddy, feeling like you are stuck in one place, but lacking the motivation to find something different that will inspire joy. I remember at one point in my career equating what I was doing to running on a treadmill. No matter how slow or how fast I ran, I always ended up in the exact same place.

Are you looking to find your tribe? At times, do you wonder if they are even out there? You do not have to stay in a role that doesn’t fill you with joy. We all have options. As an executive coach, my passion is helping executives reach peak performance and, in so doing, unleashing their potential. Please reach out if you’d like for someone to come along side you in your journey.


It’s a Question of Identity


Radical Ownership